Harvesting Garden Boxes from a Garden Box Garden

A month ago, one of the garden boxes in our front yard got smashed. We think a vehicle backed into it during the night or early morning.

Busted Garden Box

But that’s okay, because we’re growing some more garden boxes in our garden box garden.

Garden Box Garden

There’s our garden box garden, let me tell you about it. You can see we’re growing eight garden boxes and we’ve been growing these for a couple years. The one in the back we’ve been growing the longest. We’ve sort of let it go overgrown. The ones near the front have grown to about the right length, they’re just about ready to harvest.

You see we’ve got some strays as well. We’ll probably harvest those at some point if we want to open that area up, but as of right now, we’re pretty happy with where they’re popping up.

digging up a garden box

broken board on Garden Box

After we pulled the box up, we saw that one part of it didn’t grow properly, so we had to patch it up. Easy Peasy.

Front Yard Garden Boxes

Here is the final placement in all of its glory. Sweet. Now we just need to plant something IN the box.
garden box sliver

I also wanted to share this little tidbit. Sometimes buried inside the garden boxes are little pieces of the box. This is perfect for a new start. We will use these to grow new boxes.

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